Dr. From Córdoba (Pain Clinic)
As we age our bones become ‘decalcified’, this is called OSTEOPOROSIS. Essentially, the bones become porous and brittle; in Spain, 25,000 fractures occur annually for this reason. When a person suffers a vertebral fracture, they experience a very intense pain in the spine that worsens with the slightest movement. These patients cannot get up, they spend the day in bed complaining bitterly about their lot. As time passes, the vertebra continues to crush and can transform into a coin (‘flat vertebra’). This scenario, which can last for months, is solved by means of vertebroplasty.
VERTEBROPLASTY consists of injecting into the vertebra an acrylic cement, similar to that of knee prostheses, which consolidates the fracture and gives it a firm consistency. The great advantage of this intervention is that it is very quick and effective, within 48 hours most patients are back on the street and walking normally, as if nothing had happened.

Vertebral fractures

Dorsal vertebroplasty T9